Sunday, March 27, 2005

Well, as soon as I start worrying, the mummy fight resolves better than my wildest expectations.

However, now we've got a gas trap triggered by our golem -- currently the plan is to have everyone but Barik (me) and Linnam (Jacob) get out of the room and see if the two of us (with the golem) can get the goodies before we croak.

_If_ the gas takes a few rounds to spread through the room, then potentially we have a chance to get the golem to do it for us, and then get out without being exposed.

However, (a) ordering the golem around can be slow and clumsy, and (b) if the gas gets to us fast, we'll have to make saving throws anyway. A quicker strategy, with some guaranteed risk, is if Barik rushes in, grabs the stuff, and runs out again, holding his breath. Barik's saving throw against poison is pretty darn good (+12), so he's got a good chance, and no one else would be in immediate danger (ie, if Barik made his save, Linnam wouldn't have to save). Heck, the DM might even give him a circumstance bonus for holding his breath.
