Monday, February 09, 2009

Blog interface for D&D

So we've got a campaign rollin' over at dndblog, and it's all good. But I had a suggestion when I realized that for the third time in one encounter, I scrolled down the blog to find the initiative order. Wouldn't it be nice to have the initiative order sitting in a nice block on the sidebar, easy to find?

One advantage of the web interface is that this data is accessible anyway -- it would be more convenient to be in the sidebar, but it's not like it's a terrible burden to scroll down to find it. This is better than the DM having a list to consult and all the players continually asking who goes when. Although over at Paizo they've got a clever device to help you track what's happening.

But once the sidebar seed gets planted, I couldn't help but wonder if the snazzy stuff that GameMastery Combat Pad I linked to couldn't be included in a D&D web interface. Currently, that would be a lot of upkeep for the DM (who just happens to be superuser for the blog). He'd have to update the sidebar every time he posted a round's results -- potentially posting hit points, status, whatever. A blog generally doesn't have the character data integrated with the website (or at least, ours doesn't), but what if it did?

What if the character stats were stored in a database (separate from the database of blog posts, of course, but that just points out there's ALREADY a database the blog's pulling from, so this isn't a giant leap). The DM has some handy interface website where he/she can modify that data. As he does, the sidebar magically updates, and everyone can see not just the initiative order, but what just happened to them. The DM can also post a description of the round and its results, but I'm no longer required to sift through each of those descriptions for how many hp I've gained or lost, whether my opponent's dead or not, whether we've jointly remembered to update the various bonuses/spell effects/ammunition...

Couldn't this go still further -- couldn't each player have (possibly password protected) access to their own character sheet, visible on the same webpage as they were posting their actions? And instead of making two steps for the DM, what if he or she could post a round's results, interspersed with clever wiki-like codes to direct the character/initiative data to update, like "Craig guts the hapless vulture from stem to stern [Vulture1 hp-23] while Georg casts Bless [Party AB+1], bathing the group in a beneficent golden glow."