Sunday, February 29, 2004

The next few posts are (pending agreement from the other parties) going to be roleplaying a previous conversation in the D&D blog, between Linnam (Jacob Levy) and Barik (Bob Wieman, aka me). This way, the conversation can be a real conversation, but it doesn't appear on the main blog until it's been sorted out, at which point everyone can read it in one block, rather than reading something like:

Drusilla: I hack the kobold next to me in two!

Barik: And now Linnam, consider the orc. Now, the orc doesn't really think about it, but his whole religion is obsessed with his eyes. He worships a one-eyed orc god every day, and that image is so ingrained in him that if you poke out one of his eyes, he feels this rush of energy, as he realizes he is now the image of his god. Instead of making him less powerful, you've accidentally given him delusions of grandeur. Therefore, the best path is to go for his legs, or arms, and avoid the face altogether.

Barik: Oh, and I throw an axe into the kobold leader.

Linnam: Ah, I see what you are saying, Barik. So not only do you seek to cripple the enemy, but to cripple him in the way that he considers most crippling.

Grell: Linnam, quit jabbering and get the hell over here and flank this bugbear!

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